All source code can be downloaded at
Step 1 Obtain datasets
Download raw BGI FASTQ files from Grid or use the simulated files from Jeroen
Step 2 Install tools
You need to install the following tools and set up required index files.
- A patched version can be dowloaded from the SVN using: svn co
- Afterwards run the "make" command
- The GATK has several dependancies:
- Apache Ant
- Make sure you download the GATK version from the SVN, since this version contains scripts which aren't available in the pre-build version
- More information to be found here: &
- SAMtools
- Pindel
- FastQC
Other less important tools:
- To run GATK variant eval using Rscript the following steps need to be executed:
- 1. Add the path to GATK R directory to your .Rprofile (usually this file is in your home directory, otherwise just create it).
- Open your .Rprofile file and add .libPaths(“/path/to/Sting/R”) to the file
- 2. If you haven't set the path to your R installation execute:
- PATH=$PATH:/path/to/R/bin
- 3.Go to GATK directory, in this case /path/to/Sting
- execute the following command: ant gsalib
- 1. Add the path to GATK R directory to your .Rprofile (usually this file is in your home directory, otherwise just create it).
Step 3 Configure pipeline
Edit to locate datasets and tools
Step 4 Generate pipeline
Run /src/ngsscriptgenerator/ to generate the pipeline scripts
Last modified 14 years ago
Last modified on Dec 23, 2010 3:19:50 PM