Version 1 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Contains all the data coming from BGI, including their variant calls.
- /fastq
A4 trio fasta files */hg18 Pilot snp, cnv, indel, stat files sent by BGI at the beginning of 2011
- /hg19
A4 trio bam, snp, cnv files sent by BGI in April 2011
- GoNL resources tarball (Thanks Freerk!)
Here is all the data that has gone through any kind processing at UMCG */bam/umcg/ A4 trio complete bam files pilot chromosomes 19, 20, X, Y, MT bam files
- /snp/hg18
Pilot cleaned up VCF files from the BGI on hg18(sorted, updated to VCF4.0)
- /snp/hg19
Pilot initial unfiltered calls from UMCG Lifted-over files from BGI