Version 1 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Directory structure of data management. On the Groningen cluster that would be target/gpfs2/gcc/groups/gonl Permission to read by gonl group, some folders also write.
- /tools
- symlink to the /gcc/tools folder (except the folders you don't have access too)
- /resources
- symlink to the /gcc/resources folder (except the folders you don't have access too)
- /home
- one folder per member of this group
- /general
- presentations, publications, other stuff
- /projects
- /first_batch
- /rawdata
- here is a list of fq.gz files
- /results
- /alignment
- here is a list of bam files
- /stats
- here is one file per QC tool
- /snp
- here is one vcf file per analysis run
- /alignment
- /logs
- intermediate_results
- whatever is needed, will be empty at end of project
- /rawdata
- /rotterdam_550k
- /rawdata
- original provided plink or genomestudio
- /results
- here the cleaned up genotypes in agreed upon format
- /logs
- /rawdata
- /groningen_immunochip
- /rawdata
- /results
- /pilot1
- /rawdata
- /alignment
- symlinks to the raw alignments used -> /first_batch/rawdata/some.aligned.cleaned.bam
- /alignment
- /result
- /snp
- /indel
- /cnv
- logs
- /rawdata
- /first_batch