/target/gpfs2/gcc/groups/gonl ¶
Directory structure of data management for GoNL located on the Groningen cluster in /target/gpfs2/gcc/groups/gonl. Permission to read by gonl group, some folders also write.
- /tools
- All software, scripts and tools used to process the data.
- Note that all users can install tools of common interest in this shared directory; tools should specify version as typically multiple versions of the same tool cohabit.
- /resources
- All resources needed for data processing, including genome references, dbSNP releases, etc.
- Note that all users can put resources of common interest here.
- /home
- one private folder per member of this group
- /general
- presentations, publications, other stuff
- /projects
- /CG
- All Complete Genomics data for the samples that are part of GoNL2.
- /FastQs?
- All *.fq.gz files and lists of checksums for the rawdata of GoNL1 batches 1 through 6.
- /batchX
- /rawdata
- here is optionally a list of symlinks to *.fq.gz files for this batch.
- /results
- /alignment
- here is a list of bam files
- /stats
- here is one file per QC tool
- /snp
- here is one vcf file per analysis run
- /alignment
- /logs
- /intermediate_results
- whatever is needed, will be empty at end of project
- /rawdata
- /denovo_asm
- denovo assembly
- /downsampling
- /extraAnnotation
- /FastQs?
- GoNL fastQ files, copied from Grid
- /gonl_sampleBAM_md5sums.zip
- MD5 sums from all sample BAM files found in /batchX/results/alignment/
- /gvnl_2flowcells
- DEPRECATED, 2 flowcell to be re-analysed
- /gwas-chip
- GWAS data used for QC
- /imputationBenchmarking
- data used for imputation, imputation benchmarking project, eQtl analysis, gold standard etc.
- /imputation_BMImeta
- BMI meta-analysis data
- /LoF
- Loss-of-Function variants
- /RdamExome?
- ???
- /re-analysis2
- all results for the re-analysis of 2 flowcells which have LQ reads in the second read of read pairs
- /splitbams
- ???
- /SV
- all Structural Variants detected per SV tool, also validation results included in this directory.
- /targeted_denovo
- ???
- /trio-analysis
- /intermediate
- intermediate results
- /rawdata
- all trio-realigned BAM files
- /resources
- genotype data
- /results
- /snps
- /releaseX
- all releaseX GoNL SNP calls per chromosome
- /releaseX
- /snps
- /intermediate
- /unified_genotyper_indel_calls
- indel calls made by Unified Genotyper (GATK)
- /variantBurdenNonCodingRna
- testdata for variant burden project
- testdata for variant burden project
- /CG
Last modified 12 years ago
Last modified on Apr 15, 2013 5:17:40 PM