Version 72 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Table of Contents
Port applications to Dutch Life Science Grid
- AMC: Antoine van Kampen, Barbera van Schaik, Silvia D Olabarriaga, Mark Santcroos
- Sara/BiGGrid: Tom Visser
- UMCG: Morris Swertz, Freerk van Dijk
Software is going to be implemented as workflow components. The workflows will run on the Dutch life science grid.
- Information about the infrastructure:
- Getting started:
- Angela CM Luyf, Barbera DC van Schaik, Michel de Vries, Frank Baas, Antoine HC van Kampen, Silvia D Olabarriaga (2010) Initial steps towards a production platform for DNA sequence analysis on the grid. BMC Bioinformatics 11: 1. Dec pubmed
Implemented workflow components at AMC
This list of workflow components are already available. We can expand it with Pindel and (parts of) the GATK pipeline.
- Splitting of fastq files
- Building a BWA index on the genome sequence (base space and color space)
- BWA for shotgun reads (base space and color space) It is possible to do parameter sweeps. Output is in bam format
- Merge bam results
- Samtools pileup
- Varscan (pileup to snp, indel and cns)
- Bam2coverage creates a UCSC wiggle file to display the genome coverage (per 50kbp)
- Coverage-per-base determines the coverage for every base in the genome and it summarizes the results (coverage versus frequency)
- Annovar (works for hg18, working on other assemblies). This is a pipeline to annotate variants (gene, dbsnp, hapmap, 1000g, conservation, etc)
- FastqC
Implemented components of the Groningen pipeline
Template (grid component)
Alignment, realignment, recalibration, stats
- pe0--fastqc.ftl (FastqToFastQC, lfn://
- pe00-bwa-align-pair1.ftl (BwaIllumina, lfn://
- pe01-bwa-align-pair2.ftl (BwaIllumina, lfn://
- pe02-bwa-sampe.ftl (BwaIllumina, lfn://
- pe03-sam-to-bam.ftl (BwaIllumina, lfn://
- pe04a-HsMetrics.ftl (CalculateHsMetrics, lfn://
- pe04b-picardQC.ftl (PicardQC, lfn://
- pe04-sam-sort.ftl (SamSort, lfn://
- pe05-mark-duplicates.ftl (MarkDuplicates, lfn://
- pe06-realign.ftl (ReAlign, lfn://
- pe07-fixmates.ftl (FixMates, lfn://
- pe08-covariates-before.ftl (GatkCovariates, lfn://
- pe09-recalibrate.ftl (GatkRecalibrate, lfn://
- pe10-sam-sort.ftl (SamSort, lfn://
- pe11-covariates-after.ftl (GatkCovariates, lfn://
- pe12-analyze-covariates.ftl (GatkAnalyzeCovariates, lfn://
Merge bam per sample and perform SNP and indel calling
- vc00a-unified-genotyper.ftl to do
- vc00b-variant-filtration.ftl to do
- vc00c-variant-eval.ftl to do
- vc00d-picardMetrics.ftl (PicardQC, lfn://
- vc00-merge.ftl to do
- vc00.merge.ftl to do
- vc01-coverage.ftl to do
- vc01.unified_genotyper.ftl to do
- vc02.picardQC.ftl (PicardQC, lfn://
- vc02-realigner-target-creator.ftl to do
- vc03.coverage.ftl to do
- vc03-realign.ftl (ReAlign, lfn://
- vc04-fixmates.ftl (FixMates, lfn://
- vc05-indel-genotyper-v2.ftl to do
- vc06-filter-indels.ftl to do
- vc07-unified-genotyper.ftl to do
- vc08-make-indel-mask.ftl to do
- vc09-variant-filtration.ftl to do
- vc10-variant-eval.ftl to do
- vc11-name-sort-bam.ftl (SamSort, lfn://
- Pindel (Pindel, lfn://
Data access rights
To ensure that the most limited group of people has access to the data we have created a subgroup "gvnl" within the "vlemed" Virtual Organisation (VO). For people to become part of this group, it is required that they have a Grid certificate and that they are part of the "vlemed" VO. On the following page there is information on how to get a certificate, how to get into the "vlemed" VO:
For more information about data access see
Things to address
- Available disk space on the grid storage elements / worker nodes
Data location on grid
The data is located on the storage element at Sara and only readable and writable for the vlemed/gvnl group. This screencast demonstrates how to access the data from the Vbrowser:
Storage location (resource):
Path: /pnfs/
Workflows and databases
These directories are open to all members of the vlemed VO
- Workflows: lfn://
- Databases: lfn://
The directories that contain the workflows have the following structure:
Directory | Description |
bin | dependent binaries like bwa, samtools |
GasW | component description, describes which executable has to run on grid and it specifies the in and output files/parameters |
Java | dependent jar files, e.g. the GATK jar |
parameterFiles | text files that contain exactly one line with the parameters that you would like to provide to bwa or another component |
Scufl | old workflow description files, can be ignored |
shFiles | these files are executed on the grid and described by the GASW descriptor, the gvnl shFiles are based on the Groningen templates |
Workflows | Workflow descriptions, clicking on them will start the Moteur plugin. Input files/parameters can be specified in the fields. If you click on "Run" the jobs are submitted to the grid |
The shell files can (in most cases) run on any linux cluster. In that case you need to place the shell file and the dependent executable(s) in one directory. At the start of each shell file is an example on how to run them.
Workflow execution
# | Sample | WF | Status | Start |
1 | A4a | F F F workflow-425d9ceb | done | |
2 | Vartest | workflow-490b15f8 | done | |
3 | Iteration test | workflow-bf48aff1 | failed | |
4 | Iteration test | workflow-923c6588 | done | |
5 | 60-samples-batch (15 lanes) | workflow-d80b5767 | 10 / 15 done | 11-02-2011 19:30 |
6 | 60-samples-batch A (55 lanes) | workflow-cbaca6e5 | 15 / 55 done | 12-02-2011 13:55 |
7 | 60-samples-batch A remaining 1 (17 lanes) | workflow-835250b1 | failed (grid very busy) | 07-03-2011 17:45 |
8 | 60-samples-batch A remaining 1 (17 lanes) | workflow-31eb952d | 1/17 done | 08-03-2011 14:15 |
9 | 60-samples-batch A remaining (27 lanes) | workflow-fd98c7c8 | running | 15-03-2011 10:45 |
10 | 60-samples-batch G (27/54 lanes) | workflow-a781209c | running | 15-03-2011 20:37 |
11 | second-batch R10-11-12 (27 lanes) | workflow-6fe1cb10 | running | 16-03-2011 10:57 |
x | 60-samples-batch G (54 lanes) | |||
x | 60-samples-batch R (60 lanes) |
- Groningen
- Description here about code template and automatic PBS script generation. Job submission/monitoring
- Leiden
- Huygens
- Lisa
- Philips
Attachments (3)
r-environment.txt (134 bytes) - added by 14 years ago.
info about R packages
- log-picardqc-20101220.ods (17.1 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- log-fastqc20110423.xls (118.0 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip