Using this wiki
Just like articles on Wikipedia, every page on this wiki is editable if you have an account. This means that (when you are logged in) you can modify the contents of this page simply by using your web-browser. Simply click on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom of the page. WikiFormatting will give you a detailed description of available Wiki formatting commands.
To request an account for this wiki please send an email to the GCC helpdesk helpdesk.gcc.groningen[at] with your institutes member of the management team in the CC. You will need to have signed the BBMRI code of conduct, which can be found here.
see also WikiDeletePage
Creating pages
The BIOS (previously known as RP3) wiki pages are part of the larger BBMRI wiki, which also includes RP1 and RP2 pages. When creating a new wiki page, please use the 'BIOS_' prefix in the name when you create a public page, and the 'Fg' prefix when its a private page. Also, make the page a sub page from the page where you create it: for example when you are at page 'Wiki' and want to make the page 'exon', write:
[wiki:BIOS_Wiki/BIOS_exon exon]
to get exon.