Phenotype data and metadata ¶
This file contains data on the core phenotypes, data on DNA/RNA samples and measurements (meta-data) and agreement that samples and data are made available to analyses within RP3.
Format ¶
Biobank CODAM, LL, LLS, NTR, PAN, RS pheno_id ID linked to phenotypic data in line with sample_id list provided
for data uploads (can be person_id if no special id for phenotype exists)Ascertainment_criterion Inclusion criterion biobank/selected samples GWAS_Chip comma separated in case of multiple chips GWAS_DataGeneration_Date YYYY DNA_BloodSampling_Age xx.x (i.e. years + 1 decimal) DNA_BloodSampling_Date YYYY-MM-DD DNA_BloodSampling_Time HH:MM DNA_Source Whole blood, other DNA_Extraction_Method DNA_Extraction_Date YYYY-MM-DD DNA_QuantificationMethod DNA_A260A280ratio A260/A280 RNA_BloodSampling_Age xx.x (i.e. years + 1 decimal) RNA_Sampling_Date YYYY-MM-DD RNA_Sampling_Time HH:MM RNA_Source Pax gene, other RNA_Extraction_Date YYYY-MM-DD RNA_Extraction_Method RNA_RIN RIN or equivalent score RNA_A260280ratio A260/A280 BirthYear xxxx (e.g. 1969) Sex 0=male/1=female Smoking_Age xx.x (i.e. years + 1 decimal) Smoking 0=non-smoker/1=former smoker/2=current smoker Lipids_BloodSampling_Age xx.x (i.e. years + 1 decimal) Lipids_BloodSampling_Date DD/MM/YYYY Lipids_BloodSampling_Time HH:MM Lipids_BloodSampling_Fasting 0=no/1=yes TotChol in mmol/L HDLchol in mmol/L Triglycerides in mmol/L LDLchol in mmol/L LDLcholMethod 1=Friedewald estimation/2=measured LipidsMed_Age xx.x (i.e. years + 1 decimal) LipidMed 0=no/1=statins/2=yes, but no statins Anthropometry_Age xx.x (i.e. years + 1 decimal) Height xxx.x in cm Weight xx.x in kg CRP_BloodSampling_Age xx.x (i.e. years + 1 decimal) CRP_BloodSampling_Date YYYY-MM-DD CRP_BloodSampling_Time HH:MM hsCRP in mg/L CellCount_BloodSampling_Age xx.x (i.e. years + 1 decimal) CellCount_BloodSampling_Date YYYY-MM-DD CellCount_BloodSampling_Time HH:MM WBC WhiteBloodcellCount_WBC in x109cells/L RBC RedBloodcellCount in x1012cells/L HGB Hemoglobulin in mmol/L HCT Hematocrit L/L MCV MeanCorpuscularVolume in fL MCH MeanCorpuscularHemoglobin fmol MCHC MeanCorpuscularHemoglobinConcentration in mmol/L CHCM CorpuscularHemoglobinConcentrationMean in mmol/L CH CorpuscularHemoglobinContent in fmol/L RDW RedCellVolumeDistributionWidth in % HDW HemoglobinConcentrationDistributionWidth in mmol/L PLT PlateletCount in x109cells/L MPV MeanPlateletVolume in fL Neut NeutrophilCount in 109/L Lymph LymphocyteCount in 109/L Mono MonocyteCount in 109/L Eos EosinophilCount in 109/L Baso BasophilCount in 109/L LUC LargeUnstainedCells in 109/L Neut_Perc in % of white bloodcell count Lymph_Perc in % of white bloodcell count Mono_Perc in % of white bloodcell count Eos_Perc in % of white bloodcell count Baso_Perc in % of white bloodcell count LUC_Perc in % of white bloodcell count
Data ¶
V02 ¶
- Corrected smoking age of 0 for non smoking sample
- Added unique id <biobank>-<biobankSampleId>
V01 ¶
The complete table with all phenotype data can be found here: attachment:RP3_pheno_V01.txt
Comparative plots have been generated and can be downloaded here: attachment:RP3_pheno_V01_plots.pdf
File name ¶
All phenotype data is stored at srm://<biobank>/Phenotypes:
Last modified 8 years ago
Last modified on Sep 20, 2016 1:03:39 PM
Attachments (3)
- RP3_pheno_V01.txt (1.1 MB) - added by 8 years ago.
- RP3_pheno_V01_plots.pdf (67.2 KB) - added by 8 years ago.
- RP3_pheno_V02.txt (1.1 MB) - added by 8 years ago.