18 | | To calculate the concordance between the different files, [http://vcftools.sourceforge.net/ VCFTools] was used. More specifically: <pre>vcftools --vcf /data/lfrancioli/immunochip/hg19/GvNL.hg19.final.vcf --indv ${sample} --diff /data/lfrancioli/results/pilot/${sample}.human_g1k_v37.immuno.vcf --diff-site-discordance --diff-indv-discordance --diff-discordance-matrix</pre> This computes the concordance per file, site and individual as well as a discordance matrix. This was applied on a sample level so only the file, site and discordance matrix where actually used. |
| 18 | To calculate the concordance between the different files, [http://vcftools.sourceforge.net/ VCFTools] was used. More specifically: |
| 19 | |
| 20 | {{{ |
| 21 | vcftools --vcf /data/lfrancioli/immunochip/hg19/GvNL.hg19.final.vcf --indv ${sample} --diff /data/lfrancioli/results/pilot/${sample}.human_g1k_v37.immuno.vcf --diff-site-discordance --diff-indv-discordance --diff-discordance-matrix |
| 22 | |
| 23 | }}} |
| 24 | This computes the concordance per file, site and individual as well as a discordance matrix. This was applied on a sample level so only the file, site and discordance matrix where actually used. |