Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of ComputeResources/UMCGCluster

Jan 9, 2013 7:03:50 PM (12 years ago)
Patrick Deelen



  • ComputeResources/UMCGCluster

    v12 v13  
    5454||gcc||production - default prio||none||
    5555||gaf||production - high prio||only available to users from the gaf group||
     57== Nodes ==
     59It is not allowed to directly run tasks on the nodes. Always use the scheduler. If you want to test then use the test queues.
     61== Local data ==
     63If for some reason it is necessary to use local disk space instead of the GPFS then you need to request local disk space like this:
     65#PBS -l file=10mb
     67A private temp folder will be created. This folder will be removed after your script is finished. You can access this folder using this environment variable: $TMPDIR. Please make sure you do not use more disk space then requested.
     69File created on local disk without using this system can be deleted without notice.
    5671=== qsub options ===
    5772Jobs to be submitted via PBS qsub can specify a number of options to claim resources, report status, etc. These options can either be specified in the qsub command or in your job script. The latter is usually preferred as all information about the job including memory requirements, etc. stay with the script, below is an example header with some commonly used options, followed by a list of some commonly used flags and their meaning.
    6479#PBS -q gcc
    6580#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
     81#PBS -l mem=10mb
    6682#PBS -l mem=4gb
    6783#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00