Version 2 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Script templates
Implemented components based on the Groningen pipeline
Template (grid component)
Alignment, realignment, recalibration, stats
- pe0--fastqc.ftl (FastqToFastQC, lfn://
- pe00-bwa-align-pair1.ftl (BwaIllumina, lfn://
- pe01-bwa-align-pair2.ftl (BwaIllumina, lfn://
- pe02-bwa-sampe.ftl (BwaIllumina, lfn://
- pe03-sam-to-bam.ftl (BwaIllumina, lfn://
- pe04a-HsMetrics.ftl (CalculateHsMetrics, lfn://
- pe04b-picardQC.ftl (PicardQC, lfn://
- pe04-sam-sort.ftl (SamSort, lfn://
- pe05-mark-duplicates.ftl (MarkDuplicates, lfn://
- pe06-realign.ftl (ReAlign, lfn://
- pe07-fixmates.ftl (FixMates, lfn://
- pe08-covariates-before.ftl (GatkRecalibrateAllSteps, lfn://
- pe09-recalibrate.ftl (GatkRecalibrateAllSteps, lfn://
- pe10-sam-sort.ftl (GatkRecalibrateAllSteps, lfn://
- pe11-covariates-after.ftl (GatkRecalibrateAllSteps, lfn://
- pe12-analyze-covariates.ftl (GatkRecalibrateAllSteps, lfn://
Merge bam per sample and perform SNP and indel calling
- vc00a-unified-genotyper.ftl to do
- vc00b-variant-filtration.ftl to do
- vc00c-variant-eval.ftl to do
- vc00d-picardMetrics.ftl (PicardQC, lfn://
- vc00-merge.ftl to do
- vc00.merge.ftl to do
- vc01-coverage.ftl to do
- vc01.unified_genotyper.ftl to do
- vc02.picardQC.ftl (PicardQC, lfn://
- vc02-realigner-target-creator.ftl to do
- vc03.coverage.ftl to do
- vc03-realign.ftl (ReAlign, lfn://
- vc04-fixmates.ftl (FixMates, lfn://
- vc05-indel-genotyper-v2.ftl to do
- vc06-filter-indels.ftl to do
- vc07-unified-genotyper.ftl to do
- vc08-make-indel-mask.ftl to do
- vc09-variant-filtration.ftl to do
- vc10-variant-eval.ftl to do
- vc11-name-sort-bam.ftl (SamSort, lfn://
- Pindel (Pindel, lfn://
Other workflow components
This list of other workflow components are available
- Splitting of fastq files
- Building a BWA index on the genome sequence (base space and color space)
- BWA for shotgun reads (base space and color space) It is possible to do parameter sweeps. Output is in bam format
- Merge bam results
- Samtools pileup
- Varscan (pileup to snp, indel and cns)
- Bam2coverage creates a UCSC wiggle file to display the genome coverage (per 50kbp)
- Coverage-per-base determines the coverage for every base in the genome and it summarizes the results (coverage versus frequency)
- Annovar (works for hg18, working on other assemblies). This is a pipeline to annotate variants (gene, dbsnp, hapmap, 1000g, conservation, etc)
- FastqC